Nullcon HackIM 2014 - Programming 100 Writeup

Well I am a beginner. 
 netcat 2002

Enter 20 spam words to authenticate yourself.
01/20: spam
02/20: maps
03/20: hot

Authenticate failed. hot(125) is not a palprime. (Hint)

Tried with different test cases and found the value for each alphabet.
Since in the challenge only lower-case should be used (condition).

so I written a big program ( Once again I am a beginner, 
to find the palprime words available in dictionary.

For the words list I downloaded the dataset from

Thank you !!!

import string
import sys,math
import random

my_dict ={}
a =1
s = 361
t = 762 - s - a
n = 196
b = 405 - a -t
c = 410 - a - t
d =213 - a - n
e = 426 - a -t
f = 437 -a -t
g = 306 - 1 -256
i = 442 - s
h = 506 - i - s
j = 525 - e -t
k = 627 -i -t -e
l = 738 -i -g -h -t
p = 256
m = 169
o = 274 - g
u = 833 - 2*n
q = 1211 - u -i -t
r = 918 -i -g -h -t
v = 885 -a -t
w = 651 -i -d -e
x = 962 -e -s
y = 1587 -e -s -x
z = 1030 -e -b -r -a

my_dict['a'] = a;my_dict['b'] = b;my_dict['c'] = c;my_dict['d'] = d;
my_dict['e'] = e;my_dict['f'] = f;my_dict['g'] = g;my_dict['h'] = h;
my_dict['i'] = i;my_dict['j'] = j;my_dict['k'] = k;my_dict['l'] = l;
my_dict['m'] = m;my_dict['n'] = n;my_dict['o'] = o;my_dict['p'] =p ;
my_dict['q'] = q;my_dict['r'] = r;my_dict['s'] = s;my_dict['t'] = t;
my_dict['u'] = u;my_dict['v'] = v;my_dict['w'] = w;my_dict['x'] = x;
my_dict['y'] = y;my_dict['z'] =z;

def word_generator(size):
        char_set = string.ascii_lowercase # string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
        #return ''.join(random.choice(char_set) for x in range(size))
        return ''.join(random.sample(char_set*size,size))
        print 'Error in the generator'

def palindrome(sum):
        s = str(sum)
        if s == s[::-1]:
            return True
            return False
        print 'Error in the palindrome'

def is_prime(n):
    if n % 2 == 0 and n > 2:
        return False
    for i in range(3, int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1, 2):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

# Anagram Analyzer code

dictionary = {}

with open("word_list_infochimps.txt", "r") as f:
    for word in f:
        word = word.strip().lower()
        sorted_word = ''.join(sorted(word))

final_result =[]
f = 0

for check in range(4,8):
    v = 1000000
    while (v > 0):
        rword = str(word_generator(check))
        temp = list(rword)
        sum = 0
        for i in temp:
            sum+= my_dict[i]
        if palindrome(sum) and is_prime(sum):
            sorted_rword = ''.join(sorted(rword))
            if sorted_rword in dictionary:
                w = "".join(dictionary[sorted_rword])
                if w not in final_result:

print final_result


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