InCTF 2014 - Crypto 100
There are three files, one.txt, one.txt.enc and second.txt.enc.
Challenge is to decrypt the second.txt.enc using the key.
So we got a message + cipher, so we got a hint that operation done using XOR. So XORing (Message ^ Cipher) = Key.
The XOR cipher is a very weak choice for a cipher and should not in practice. The flag for this level is the decryption key itself.
Flag is {xorkey}
#!/usr/bin/env python import hashlib """ one.txt This sentence is encrypted using XOR cipher. """ plain_text = open('one.txt','r').read().strip() """ one.txt.enc LAcbGEUKHQEGDgsaHU8bGEUcFgwAEhUNHQtSHhYQFghSMyorWAwbGw0cCkE= """ cipher_text = open('one.txt.enc','r').read().decode("base64") print plain_text print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' print cipher_text print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' plain_text = [ord(i) for i in plain_text] cipher_text = [ord(i) for i in cipher_text] key = '' for i in range(len(plain_text)): c = ((plain_text[i] ^ cipher_text[i])) key += chr(c) print key print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'VERFICIATION' key='xorkey' key_text = [ord(i) for i in key] msg = '' check = len(key_text) j=0 for i in range(len(cipher_text)): if check > j: c = ((key_text[j] ^ cipher_text[i])) msg+= chr(c) if j+1 == check: j=0 else: j+=1 print '--------------------------------------------------' print msg print '--------------------------------------------------' print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'CAPTURE THE FLAG' key='xorkey' """ Second.txt.enc LAcXSz02Kk8RAhURHR1SAhZZGU8EDhcAWBgXCg5ZGwcdAgYcWAkdGUUYWAwbGw0cCk8TBQFZCwcdHgkdWAEdH0UQFk8CGQQaDAYRDktZLAcXSwMVGQhSDQoLWBsaAhZZFAoEDglZERxSHw0cWAsXCBcACBsbBAtZEwoLSwwNCwoeDUs= """ key_text = [ord(i) for i in key] cipher_text = open('two.txt.enc','r').read().decode("base64") cipher_text = [ord(i) for i in cipher_text] flag = '' check = len(key_text) j=0 for i in range(len(cipher_text)): if check > j: c = ((key_text[j] ^ cipher_text[i])) flag+= chr(c) if j+1 == check: j=0 else: j+=1 print '--------------------------------------------------' print flag print '--------------------------------------------------'The output is
The XOR cipher is a very weak choice for a cipher and should not in practice. The flag for this level is the decryption key itself.
Flag is {xorkey}
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