InCTF 2014 - Crypto 50

Zgyzhsxrksvi dzh lirtrmzoob wvevolkvw uli gsv Svyivd ozmtfztv. Gsv pvb uli gsrh ovevo rh svyivd.

Given Hint:

The Atbash cipher is a very common, simple cipher. It was for the Hebrew alphabet, but modified here to work with the English alphabet. Basically, when encoded, an "A" becomes a "Z", "B" turns into "Y", etc.

The Atbash cipher can be implemented as an Affine cipher by setting both "a" and "b" to 25.

We used online  tool to decrypt the encoded message.

This is your encoded/decoded text:

Atbash   cipher was originally developed for the Hebrew language. The key for this level is hebrew.


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