Using text to speech using Terminal + Python in Mac OS X

This post helps you to use 'say' command in python

using 'say' command in python

__author__ = 'vijay'
# Run in Mac OS X

import os
import time

lyrics1 = " we were meant to be" \
          "like a destiny" \
          "can you fill it our baby baby " \
          "When you next to me " \
          "I can never see " \
          "anyone else but you baby "

lyrics2 = " coz gonna believe that" \
          "you sat them next to me " \
          "yesterday I was facebook talking you" \
          "now u sitting face to face with me" \
          "simple close i just dont what to do"

lyrics3 = " if you if you come to me baby i swear am gonna make you happy no no dont" \
          " you worry you know that am ready ready You are you are my ice cream lady " \
          "chocolate venila strawberry baby " \
          "if you get a minute bebe IM me facebook whatsapp just contact me " \
          " coz am ready for you baby come n get it, come n get it"

# List of voice options available in Say command
Female_Voices = ['Agnes', 'Kathy', 'Princess', 'Vicki', 'Victoria']

Male_Voices = ['Alex', 'Bruce', 'Fred', 'Junior', 'Ralph']

Novelty_Voices = ['Albert', 'Bad News', 'Bahh', 'Bells', 'Boing', 'Bubbles',
                  'Cellos', 'Deranged', 'Good News', 'Hysterical', 'Pipe Organ',
                  'Trinoids', 'Whisper', 'Zarvox']

all_voices = Female_Voices + Male_Voices + Novelty_Voices

for voice in all_voices:
    print "Voice is "+voice
    os.system("say -v "+voice+" Hey Hi this is "+voice+" Annd I gonna sing a song for you Baby ")


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