CyberWar Games 2015
Things I have learned from the CTF styled CYBER WAR GAMES 2015:
Checking source code for getting some path that are not public and hidden information
used Tamper Data to login into the website
modified cookies values
#cookies stealing from one user and hijacking the sessions
Used Nmap to get the OS and services running in the targets and identified the vulnerable services
nmap -A IP
nmap -sV -O
nmap -Pn
Used Metaspolit to take the control of vulnerable and exploit the machine
CVE -2014-0610 Open-SSL Heart Bleed used an exploit and got the servers password
msfconsole, use, show options, set, exploit, search, show payloads
Used smbclient application to connect the windows server from linux terminal
smbclient '//$' -p445 --user='Administrator'
mget to download files to local
Used host application to get the IP address of the website or servers
Used nslookup and dig to know the dns informations
wget -r --no-parent --reject "index.html*"
git reset --hard
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